If you have followed along on my capsule journey you know that for about the last year that I’ve pursued what I’ve been calling my ‘all seasons’ capsule wardrobe (outlined in this blog post.) I’ve detailed my plan, the process and the many bumps along the road and today I’m sharing with you that I’ve decided: to go back to using a seasonal capsule wardrobe (and why).
For starters, I don’t think my goal of creating a minimal year round wardrobe is a complete bust, but — given the rapidly changing season of life I am currently in — it just didn’t make good sense! I still have a vision — and maybe once I’m out of my childbearing years it will come to realization. ;)
I finally pulled the trigger on this decision at the end of December and OH. MY. GOSH. did it I ever feel lighter after I did it. I had been working with slightly fewer than 60 pieces in my closet (not all of which I fit into because of being postpartum) and even though that’s roughly half than the average woman in American has in her closet this day an age, I began to see a lot of visual clutter in my closet. I had to look past the clothes that didn’t currently work for reasons x, y, z: didn’t fit because I’m nursing, not nursing friendly enough, out of season, etc.
There was a lot of noise. And with it came a lot of frustration. And the feeling of “I have nothing to wear” started to creep back in too.
I wanted to shop. I felt bad about myself. It all. just. started. coming. BACK. How I felt when I first encountered the capsule wardrobe idea, old bad habits like: buying something I liked on someone else and then not so much on me…
I remembered all this, and then reflected on all of this. THIS is not how I wanted it to be. So I changed it. :)
I’ve been back at dressing with 38 pieces for over a month now and I LOVE it. I’ve experimented A LOT with this idea and different implementations of it over the last almost two years — and taking things 3 months at a time works best people!
With yet ANOTHER transition in my journey, I thought this would be a great time to shake up how I’m sharing my capsule with you… again. Lol.
Honestly? Taking pictures of individual pieces of my clothes and/or putting together beautiful looking graphics of my clothes was just way too time consuming for me. Period.
For now I’ve settled on sharing my wardrobe as a whole with stylized shots as seen above in this post as well as a gallery of easy to edit images (with links to the exact or similar pieces in my capsule) like the one you see below. The most up-to-date gallery will also always be view-able on the Shop My Current Capsule page accessible in the main site navigation. Double thumbs up.
(UPDATE: The ‘Shop My Current Capsule page no longer exists, but you can always view my current closet via the ‘Current Closet’ tab in the main navigation.)
This season’s capsule came together quite easily. Most of the pieces I already had previously and some were given to me around my birthday late last year. In building out this capsule I really only identified four pieces I wanted to add to my closet: a light wash jean legging, a super dark wash jean legging, a deep red lace top and dark grey long sleeve tee. I would have loved to add something dynamic in the way of shoes but alas, the budget. Limitation sparks creativity, remember?
I used the Stylebook app to visually curate my current capsule. Once I’d finalized it, I just removed all of the pieces that weren’t included from my closet and stowed them away in the one empty dresser drawer I had and the shoes I stowed away in the bottom closed off section of the shoe organizer I use in my closet. I sort of tweaked the way I organized items in my wardrobe within the Stylebook app since I wrote this blog post — maybe I’ll provide an update? I definitely think the app played a key role in making the curation time frame shorter.
I think that’s a wrap folks.
Alright, so lay it on me. What are you thinking?
*This is not a sponsored post, Stylebook has not compensated me in any way. This post does contain affiliate links.